The autographs


Autograph of Bono in 1997
after the concert
toto_bono97.jpg (42609 octets) toto_edge.jpg (57023 octets) Autograph of Edge in 1997
after the concert
Autograph with my name
after the preview of mdh
by Bono,  March 10th, 2000
totographe.jpg (607645 octets) auto bono aout 00.jpg (24673 octets) Autograph of Bono in Paris
August 12nd, 2000
Autograph of The Edge in Paris
August 12nd, 2000
auto edge aout 00.jpg (19683 octets) auto adam aout 00.jpg (23123 octets) Autograph of Adam in Paris
August 12nd, 2000

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